buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Command Line Interface Guide style.css header class terminal-header nav div CMD class logo div class nav-links a Basics href #basics a Commands href #commands a Examples href #examples a Try It class cta-button href #terminal main section id terminal class terminal-window div class terminal-bar span Terminal div class terminal-content div id terminal-output class typing-effect span $_ Welcome to CMD. Type 'help' to begin. div class input-line span $ input type text id command-input placeholder Type a command... section id basics class command-basics h2 Command Line Basics div class command-grid div class command-card h3 Navigation code cd, ls, pwd p Navigate through directories div class command-card h3 File Operations code touch, cp, mv p Manage your files div class command-card h3 System Info code top, ps, df p Monitor your system div class command-card h3 Network code ping, curl, wget p Network utilities section id commands class popular-commands h2 Essential Commands div class command-list div class command-item code ls -la p List all files with details div class command-item code mkdir folder p Create new directory div class command-item code rm -rf dir p Remove directory recursively footer div class footer-content p Built with Scroll div class footer-links a Documentation href /docs a Examples href /examples a About href /about script.js